North Tyneside schools and admissions data

North Tyneside Borough Council has 65 primary schools and 22 secondary schools. 3% of North Tyneside's schools are private schools. 19 state schools in North Tyneside follow the local authority's admissions criteria, while 60 set their own.

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Ofsted ratings
in North Tyneside

  1. Outstanding 12 schools
  2. Good 56 schools
  3. Requires Improvement 3 schools
  4. Inadequate 0 schools

Most popular state schools
in North Tyneside in 2019

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary



Popularity is based on the number of first preference applications a school received compared to the number of places available, where we have this data. Where places available data isn't held, first preferences are compared to the number of offers made.

Visit North Tyneside's website to find out more.

Also see North Tyneside's Ofsted reports and school performance dashboard