Find primary schools near you with our schools map
Use our information-packed website to find state and independent primary schools near you, and check their exam performance and Ofsted ratings. For some schools, we also have information on catchment areas and admissions.
Enter a postcode, street or town to get started
Exam results and Ofsted ratings
We have key stage 2 exam results (the ones taken at age 11) for every relevant school in England. Along with the results themselves, we indicate whether the school is a top, good, average, weak or poor performer in comparison to the rest of the country.
We also make it easy to find schools by Ofsted rating, showing schools on the map coloured by their rating as well as allowing users to filter the schools shown by their rating.
Catchments and admissions
In some areas, we have collected together data on previous years' catchment areas and admission results to help you see patterns in how catchment areas for different schools have changed over time.
If we have catchment information for a school, the summary view of our school information will say: "Catchment: available" with a green tick.
School distance calculator
When you're deciding what schools to apply to, or if you're thinking about moving home, it's important to know how far away a house is from nearby schools.
To help with this, we created a school distance calculator that allows you to locate your house on a map using your postcode and a satellite view, and then see a list of local schools and how far away they are.